Epiphanies are great, aren’t they?
I’m sitting in Starbucks® writing something, and looking at all the attractive men around me. Part of me was thinking how pretty they all
were, in such wildly different ways. Cute coffee queens with baby-faces and 9% body fat, crunchy guys in Columbia Sportswear jackets and Buddy Holly glasses, sexy hipsters clinging codependently to their girlfriends… So many flavors of guys, and all hot in their own ways.
And as nice as it would be to be dating someone, I’ve got other things to focus on.
It would be nice to get to the gym once in a while (more than zero times a week, at least). I have goals that I want to achieve, and NOT going is a great way to NOT achieve them.
I also want to get a little into my Recovery, learn a few lessons so as not to make horrible choices yet again. I want to face a few of my man-related demons before finding new ones, you know?
There are a million other reasons why I’m not in a place to be looking for a guy. I couldn’t really imagine any of these hot guys finding me attractive anyway, despite doing the eye flirt thing with this tall drink of water who tried unsuccessfully to establish MORE eye contact with me.
And all of a sudden it came together. If all these guys are attractive in their own ways, why am I not allowed to be one of those many attractive flavors?
And like a soap bubble bursting, I felt free. All of a sudden, I GET IT. I understand that I don’t need to be perfect. I don’t need to fit into ANY mold of “attractive man.” All I need to do is be, truly, myself. The right guys will be attracted to me. And many, many of them, I will be attracted to in return.
I don’t have to go to the gym to be attractive. I don’t have to be emotionally perfect to be attractive. I don’t have to be ANYTHING other than willing to be honest with myself, not self-deprecating, not falsely modest or deceptively confident.
Relax, for gods sake. It’s supposed to be fun.
I’m sitting in Starbucks® writing something, and looking at all the attractive men around me. Part of me was thinking how pretty they all

And as nice as it would be to be dating someone, I’ve got other things to focus on.
It would be nice to get to the gym once in a while (more than zero times a week, at least). I have goals that I want to achieve, and NOT going is a great way to NOT achieve them.
I also want to get a little into my Recovery, learn a few lessons so as not to make horrible choices yet again. I want to face a few of my man-related demons before finding new ones, you know?
There are a million other reasons why I’m not in a place to be looking for a guy. I couldn’t really imagine any of these hot guys finding me attractive anyway, despite doing the eye flirt thing with this tall drink of water who tried unsuccessfully to establish MORE eye contact with me.
And all of a sudden it came together. If all these guys are attractive in their own ways, why am I not allowed to be one of those many attractive flavors?
And like a soap bubble bursting, I felt free. All of a sudden, I GET IT. I understand that I don’t need to be perfect. I don’t need to fit into ANY mold of “attractive man.” All I need to do is be, truly, myself. The right guys will be attracted to me. And many, many of them, I will be attracted to in return.
I don’t have to go to the gym to be attractive. I don’t have to be emotionally perfect to be attractive. I don’t have to be ANYTHING other than willing to be honest with myself, not self-deprecating, not falsely modest or deceptively confident.
Relax, for gods sake. It’s supposed to be fun.
And I’m actually beginning to believe it really could be.